Project #1558

Overview of State Energy Reduction Programs and Guidelines for the Wastewater Sector

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Lauren Fillmore M.S.
Energy Optimization
Resource Recovery


This report evaluates successful state programs which promote energy efficiency in the wastewater sector. The study highlights three states (California, New York, and Wisconsin) that have effective energy reduction programs for the wastewater sector with a long-term history of performance. It looks at the feasibility of establishing a national design standard for wastewater treatment plants that incorporates energy efficiency and the report provides suggested language for incorporating energy efficiency into design guidelines or standards. The report includes results from a technical working session of selected municipal wastewater agencies that focused on the issue of incorporating energy guidelines into their respective standards. Published by WERF. 114 pages. Soft cover and online PDF. (2010)

This project was a collaborative effort between WERF and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). Originally funded as WERF project OWSO6R07b.