Project #5187

Beyond Net Zero: Advancing Interdependencies Between Utility Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions and Water-Energy Nexus-Food Nexus

In Progress
Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Harry Zhang, PhD, PE
University of Illinois at Chicago
Climate Mitigation & Greenhouse Gases
Energy Optimization
Utility Management
Resource Recovery
Integrated Planning & Water Management


The focus of this project is to develop a strategic framework and operational guidelines to support water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) in making greenhouse gas (GHG)-related decisions to achieve net-zero carbon and beyond. A literature review of relevant topics will be performed to gain an understanding of the existing research and to identify utilities worldwide with net-zero carbon targets. The identified utilities will be profiled in a case study highlighting innovative solutions and approaches for GHG emissions reduction with a focus on cross-sector collaboration and external partnerships.