Get to know Subscriber Services
Alice Fulmer, Director of Subscriber Services
Alice Fulmer is the primary contact for the following states:
- Florida
- Georgia
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- International Utilities
Account Managers
Account Managers serve as the primary points of contact for subscribers to The Water Research Foundation, providing personalized service to ensure you get the answers you need, have access to our resources, and gain input into research planning. Additionally, they can connect you and your organization with industry experts through focused discussions, webcasts, and conference calls.
Account Managers are responsible for specific geographic territories throughout the world. Use the descriptions below to find the Regional Liaison for your specific location. If you do not see your location listed below, contact Lexie Vean. We highly encourage you to contact your Regional Liaison with any questions you may have.
Michael Dirks, Senior Account Manager
Michael Dirks is the primary contact for the following state:
- California
Maureen Hodgins, Senior Account Manager
Maureen Hodgins is the primary contact for the following states:
- Alaska
- Colorado
- Idaho
- Montana
- Oregon
- Washington
- Wyoming
- all Provinces in Canada
Jim Siriano, Senior Account Manager
Jim Siriano is the primary contact for the following states:
- Arizona
- Hawaii
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- New York
- Texas
- Utah
Jennifer Warner, Senior Account Manager
Jennifer Warner is the primary contact for the following states:
- Connecticut
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- New Hampshire
- Ohio
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
- Wisconsin
Julie Minton, Senior Account Manager, Strategic Engagement
Julie Minton is the primary contact for the following states:
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Maryland
- Virginia
- West Virginia
Bennett Parsons, Account Manager
Bennett Parsons is the primary contact for the following states:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Tennessee