Flare Efficiency Estimator and Case Studies
This research increases awareness about the combustion efficiency of candlestick flares and advances understanding of the fugitive emissions from gas flaring operations. As part of this work, WERF created the Flare Efficiency Estimator (FEE) tool that can be used to input local operating conditions and parameters to estimate flare efficiency. The report provides the details of the FEE including a brief overview of prior research on flares, the calculation methodology, and a description of the user interface for the estimator tool. Two case studies provide examples of where the FEE was used to estimate fugitive GHG emissions using actual site data and conditions. Published by WERF. 48 pages. Online PDF and Flare Efficiency Estimator (FEE) tool. FEE is available online for free from this NYSERDA webpage: https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/-/media/Project/Nyserda/Files/Publications/Research/Environmental/wwt/Flare-Estimator-Description.zip. (2013)
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Originally funded as WERF project U2R08d.