Project #1733

Decision Analysis/Implementation Guidance-Asset Management Tool Development Research Digest: Phase 3

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Mr. Walter L Graf, Jr.
EMA, Inc.
Asset Management
Risk Assessment
Condition Assessment


This research digest summarizes five asset management support tools developed as part of WERF’s Strategic Asset Management Challenge. Tools include: Asset Hierarchy Tool, Remaining Effective Life Tool, Life Cycle Cost Projection Tool, End of Asset Life Reinvestment Decision Support Tool, Business Case Tool, and the Asset Management Plan Template Tool. The digest presents a description, purpose, and benefits of each tool, an organizational diagram, examples of the core tool, and worked examples. The digest will help acquaint users with each tool’s purpose, approach, and findings/deliverables, and will help them determine how their organization can use them. Published by WERF. 98 pages. Online PDF. (2013)

Originally funded as WERF project SAM1R06i.