Risk-Based Framework for the Development of Public Health Guidance for Decentralized Non-potable Water Systems
This project was co-funded by WE&RF, San Francisco PUC, WRRF, and WRF, managed by WE&RF. This project developed recommendations on setting appropriate performance criteria, management structure, monitoring, and permitting of on-site non-potable systems, or Decentralized Non-potable Water Systems (DNWS). The final report provides guidance to state and local health departments, based in part on a risk-based framework that allows these agencies to consider development of a DNWS program that adequately protects public health. A key consideration in the development of this framework was to provide a flexible approach to enable pragmatic design and operation of DNWS that ensures reliable delivery of water that is protective of public health. The DNWS guidance was developed to address non-single residence applications, (i.e., multi-residential, commercial, and mixed-use buildings). However, the risk-based framework presented here is applicable across project scales. Published in 2017.
WateReuse Association hosted a webcast on this project that is available for on-demand viewing. The link is posted below under Webcasts. Please note that you must have a WRA login to access the recording.
Originally funded as WERF project SIWM10C15