Nutrient Management: Regulatory Approaches to Protect Water Quality. Volume 1 - Review of Existing Practices
This report is a state-of-the art discussion of key nutrient management issues that confront point source wastewater dischargers. It provides a better understanding of the unique challenges that utilities and regulators face setting and meeting low nutrient effluent limits; and it further expands our current understanding of the practical capabilities of nitrogen and phosphorus treatment technologies. It provides background and context to current discussions and legal challenges in the United States with regard to receiving water quality impacts from nutrients and discusses historical and emerging regulatory drivers and mechanisms, including watershed-based approaches, designed to help protect water quality in various eco-regions, states, and nationwide. Published by WERF. 156 pages. Soft cover, CD Rom, and online PDF. (2010)
Originally funded as WERF project NUTR1R06i.