Project #1072

Navigating the TMDL Process: Method Development for Addressing Narrative Criteria

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Dr. Daniel M. Woltering, Ph.D.
LimnoTech, Inc.
Water Quality


Qualitative narrative water quality criteria are difficult to incorporate into the quantitative TMDL process. In order to address this issue, this project team reviewed and evaluated 120 narrative TMDLs. The resulting report defines the range of problems associated with all types of narrative criteria, and provides guiding principles to help address those problems. Adhering to these guiding principles should significantly improve the evaluation of waterbodies for impairment due to nonattainment of narrative water quality criteria, resulting in more accurate 303(d) lists with a greater focus on truly impaired waterbodies. Published by WERF. 100 pages. Soft cover.

Originally funded as WERF project 01-WSM-1.