Identifying Health Effects Concerns of the Water Reuse Industry and Prioritizing Research Needs for Nomination of Chemicals for Research
One of the continuing questions and sources of public concern and regulatory ambiguity has been the appropriate quality and maximum chemical composition and safety of water produced by planned water reuse projects. This project aims to examine information on the composition of highly processed wastewaters, apply screening methods to identify residual chemicals, determine what types of studies would be needed. The project examines information on the composition of highly processed wastewaters, apply screening methods to identify residual chemicals that are present at sufficient concentrations to be a health concern, determine what types of studies would be needed to provide an adequate basis for risk assessment, and develop several nomination packages for federal agencies’ research programs to encourage them to carry out studies to provide important information that could be used to assess more precisely the potential for trace contaminants in recycled water to be a health concern.
Originally funded as WERF project Reuse-06-04.