Project #1832

Enhanced Pathogen and Pollutant Monitoring of the Colorado River Municipal Water District Raw Water Production Facility at Big Spring Texas

Principal Investigator
Carollo Engineers


Since the implementation of DPR projects at Big Spring and Wichita Falls, many view DPR as a viable option for increasing a community’s water supply. Because this acceptance may lead to more DPR projects across the state, this study had two main goals:

  1. To increase confidence in the safety and effectiveness of the RWPF's DPR applications through a detailed sampling campaign.
  2. To draft guidance focused on indicators and surrogates for improved DPR process monitoring at a reasonable cost.

Both goals supported further developing DPR projects as a viable water supply alternative across Texas and the United States. Published in 2016.

Originally funded as WERF project Reuse-14-10.