Project #4111
Compendium of Best Practices in Water Infrastructure Asset Management
Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Ms. Maureen Hodgins
HDR Engineering, Inc.
This compendium of best practices presents examples of decision-making strategies for capital investment, risk assessment, implementation of asset management in utility practice, GIS and IT technology, condition assessment and rehabilitation of assets, level of service, and more.
Final deliverables include five case studies of drinking water utilities in North America, compiled by Greg Kirmeyer. These were combined with additional water and wastewater case studies (representing five countries) into a Compendium of Best Practices in Water Infrastructure Asset Management, compiled by Jayant N. Bhagwan. Research Partner: GWRC.
This study was originally funded in cooperation with WERF as project SAM7CO7 and was managed by Mr. Walter L Graf, Jr.