Project #5079

Assessing Water Quality Monitoring Needs, Tools, Gaps, and Opportunities for Potable Water Reuse

In Progress
Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Lyndsey Bloxom
University of Colorado at Boulder
Reuse: Potable


Potable water reuse is at a critical juncture, as the need for reuse is growing significantly. Researchers, consultants, and utilities are looking for more sustainable treatment approaches which can expand traditional water portfolios. While many technologies and approaches are currently available, additional tools are needed to ensure safety and future regulatory compliance for potable reuse treatment plants. The main goal of this project was to prepare a database of technologies both conventional currently available as well as those that are promising for the future, identify needs that future technologies can address, for selecting appropriate water quality and treatment monitoring tools, and for optimizing the information the tools provide to ensure the quality of potable reuse. Published in 2023.