Calibrating the SMART Biosolids Model and Applying it to Fault Scenarios
This report calibrates the groundwater transport pathway of the Spreadsheet Microbial Assessment of Risk: Tool for Biosolids (SMART Biosolids) to data obtained from field monitoring of wet weather events. The calibrated model is then applied to a wide variety of fault scenarios including, for example, Class B treatment failure. The estimated risks associated with these scenarios are compared with estimated frequencies of occurrence found by a survey of biosolids land application practitioners to identify the scenarios of greatest concern. This provides validation of the model against field data for improved parameter estimates that more accurately reflect the broad range of conditions found in the field. The report identifies and prioritizes potential faults for land application allowing training and quality assurance programs to focus on the high-priority scenarios. A revised version of the model incorporates this additional information. Published in 2012.
As of December 2023, the SMART Biosolids tool has been discontinued.
Originally funded as WERF project SRSK3R08a.