A Dynamic Model to Assess Microbial Health Risks Associated with Beneficial Uses of Biosolids: Phase 1
Under the EPA's Part 503 rule, published in 1993, pathogen limits in biosolids are set using performance- and technology-based standards. Using a health-risk-based approach instead would allow regulators to consider the risk of disease associated with different control measures. The project team for this project developed a methodology to assess risks to human health from pathogens in biosolids. The methodology measures pathogen levels in the environment and the health effects of particular pathogens, and takes into account the unique properties of infectious diseases-secondary transmission and immunity. This information can be used to develop a comprehensive, risk-based regulations for biosolids-related exposures. Published by WERF. 84 pages. Online PDF only.
Originally funded as WERF project 98-REM-1.