Chemically Enhanced Biological Filtration to Enhance Water Quality and Minimize Costs
The objective of this research was to determine whether chemically enhanced biological filtration can increase natural NOM and microconstituent destruction while minimizing DBP formation, distribution system regrowth, and cost. The anticipated results include laboratory data on the ability of individual oxidant chemistries currently used in drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment, groundwater remediation, and industrial waste treatment to enhance biological filtration of NOM and specific microconstituents. Also, guidance was developed on how optimization of coagulation/sedimentation and chemical enhancement of biological filtration can be integrated and holistically optimized to maximize water quality, minimize treatment residuals, and decrease cost. Recommendations to utilities are made on implementing chemically enhanced biological filtration. Phase I of the project was published in February 2016. Phase II of the project was published in July 2016. Tailored collaboration partner: Greater Cincinnati Water Works.