Emerging Opportunities Program
The Emerging Opportunities (EO) Program enables WRF Staff to sponsor time-critical research on emergent, high-priority subscriber issues. The program also allows us to commit funding for subscriber-relevant research ideas developed by approved partner organizations, as well as add additional funding to existing research projects. Ten percent of WRF's annual research budget is directed to the EO program.

Individual projects are submitted by WRF staff on a monthly basis through November. The EO Staff Committee meets monthly to review and evaluate proposals, and they make recommendations on a bi-monthly basis to the CEO. Worthy projects are evaluated and approved for funding by the Board of Directors Executive Committee throughout the year, subject to need and available funding.
EO projects are timely and typically range in value from $25,000 to $100,000. The project funding maximum is $200,000.
Project add-ons are limited to $40,000, though exceptions are possible under CEO prior approval.
Partnership projects encourage matching cash funds from our approved partners.
- This is a staff-driven program
- Project concepts should be time sensitive, an emergent issue with immediate impact, broad applicability and impact, and have an identifiable and useful anticipated outcome/research solution.
Our Tailored Collaboration Program allows subscribing utilities to propose projects for matching funds and our Unsolicited Research Program allows individuals to submit proposals for novel, transformative research and innovation projects.
- Uniform Guide for Using Pathogen Credits to Streamline Potable Reuse Permitting (5224) $25,000
- Antimicrobial Resistance Risk from Wastewater (project 4813 and 5052 add ons) $50,000
- Water Resource Recovery Facility of the Future (WRRF 2040) (5225) $5,000
- Projecting Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Implications of Capital Improvements Projects (project 5091 add on) $25,000
- Wildfire Threats to Forested Drinking Water Supplies: Recent Advances & Opportunities in Understanding & Management (5235) $60,000
- Detection of PFAS Chemicals in Air Phase after Pyrolysis Process (project 5107 add on) $25,000
- Demonstration and Validation of Pathogen Removal by Biologically Active Carbon (project 5129 add on) $25,000
- Diversifying Water Portfolios through Stormwater Capture and Use: Contributing to a Water Resilient Future (5236) $23,000
- The Impact of Pre-Chlorination and GAC Treatment on DBP Formation and Overall Toxicity in Drinking Water (project 5140 add on) $25,000
- Treatment Strategies for the Removal of Lithium from Drinking Water (5258) $50,000
- Guidance for Algaecide Application in Source Waters (5259) $150,000
- Post-Wildfire Distribution System Water Quality Impacts & Potential Responses (project 5106 add on) $25,000
- Enhancing Drinking Water Treatment Resilience to Wildfire Events (5168) $58,000
- Water Utility Resilience: A Case Study of the 2021 Marshall Fire (5192) $75,000
- Optimizing OH radical scavenging potential measurement (5194) (project 5050 add on) $25,000
- Developing an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework for Water Utilities (5206) $125,000
- Establishing a Framework for Integrating Stormwater Capture into Water Supply Planning (5207) $150,000
- Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Workshop: Better Use of the Systems and Data (5208) $75,000
- WRRF Nutrient Removal Optimization Web Tool (project 4973 add on) $25,000
- Microwave Regeneration of PFAS-Exhausted Granular Activated Carbons (project 5103 add on) $25,000
- Making the Case for Climate-Resilient Water Infrastructure and Supporting Strategies (5222) $50,000
- Guidance for Complying with the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions for Water Systems with No- to Low Prevalence of Lead Service Lines (LSL, LSLs) (5223) $100,000
- Advancing Adaptive Wet Weather Management Approaches to Meet Emerging Challenges for Extreme Snowstorms and Cold Climate Impacts (5128) $50,000
- The Current and Future State of Artificial Intelligence (AL) and Machine Learning (ML) for the Water Sector (project 4797 add on) $25,000
- Occurrence of Legionella spp. in Drinking Water Distribution Systems (5156) $146,333
- Leading Water Utility Innovation (4907)
- Development and Validation of a Real-time Fluorescence Sensor Prototype for Early Detection of Nitrification in Drinking Water Distribution Systems (5073)
- Environmental Persistence and Disinfection of the Lassa Virus and SARS-CoV-2 to Protect Worker and Public Safety (5029)
- Managing Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP) to Extend Asset Life (5069)
- Opportunities and Barriers for Distributed/Renewable Energy Resource Development at Water and Wastewater Utilities (4625)
- Comparison of Cost-Benefit Analysis for Green Roofs versus Solar Panels in Addressing Sustainability Goals (4852)
- Using Climate Information in Water Utility Planning (5054)
- Biosolids Research Summit (5055)
- Test and Enhance Water Utility Business Risk and Opportunity Framework and Guidebook (5056)
- Version 2.0 Level 1 Water Audit Validation Guidance Manual (5057)
- Validation Protocols for Membrane Bioreactors and Ozone/Biologically Activated Carbon for Potable Reuse (4997)