California State Water Board Grant

Continuing a long-standing partnership, the the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWB) contracted with WRF in 2018 to fund research gaps in the non-potable and potable reuse arena. The funding from SWB is broken into the following two grants.

Grant 1

The first grant ($1.4M, D1705002) funded 5 projects which were recommended by the SWB Expert Panel in their report on the feasibility of developing criteria for Direct Potable Reuse (DPR). The research findings will be used to develop regulations for DPR, driven by CA legislation SB 574 (2017), which established a deadline of 2023.

The following projects were funded under the first part of this grant:

Two webcasts were held in 2021 to showcase the research outcomes of this first grant:

Grant 2

The second grant (D1705003) used the WRF Research Priority Program process to award $3.1M for potable and non-potable reuse research. The work was conducted in 3 phases, utilizing the Water Reuse Advisory Committee to develop project concepts each year, which were then approved by SWB. 

The following projects were funded under the second part of this grant:

Filling Information Gaps to Develop DPR Regulations

Public water supplies in California come from groundwater and surface water in a wide range of locations and with characteristics that reflect the geographical diversity of the state. Factors such as population growth and extended droughts are stressing these supplies. Over the next few decades, supplies are likely to diminish.

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Contact Julie Minton, Research Unit Leader, with questions about the California State Water Board Grant.