SWB DPR Research Webcast Part 2: Chemicals


This is the second event in a two-part webcast series that will showcase the research outcomes of WRF’s first California State Water Board (SWB) Grant.

This webcast, held in cooperation with SWB, presented findings from another project funded under the grant: Defining Potential Chemical Peaks and Management Options (4991). This research evaluated the potential for certain chemicals to persist through advanced water treatment systems and options for the detection of chemical peaks. Attendees will also hear from the SWB Division of Drinking Water on the importance of this research and how it will lead to their draft regulations.

Randy Barnard, State Water Board Division of Drinking Water
Jean Debroux, Kennedy Jenks
Shane Trussell, Trussell Tech
Brian Bernados, State Water Board Division of Drinking Water

Julie Minton, The Water Research Foundation
Jim Crook, DDW Expert Panel Co-Chair