Optimizing Biofiltration for Various Source Water Quality Conditions

Biofiltration is a sustainable, cost-effective technology that meets multiple treatment objectives at drinking water facilities across North America. Industry acceptance has been achieved through decades of utility experience and applied research. Existing research on biofiltration has identified a suite of strategies to improve biofilter hydraulic and water treatment performance at participating utilities. However, these strategies have been variably successful when implemented by others, likely due to site-specific conditions. Therefore, Optimizing Biofiltration for Various Source Water Quality Conditions (project #4555) sought to validate previously reported and novel biofilter optimization methods across a broad range of water quality conditions and treatment configurations. 

The biofilter optimization strategies tested were: preoxidant selection/optimization, nutrient enhancement, and backwash optimization. This webcast  reviewed findings from pilot- and full-scale biofiltration optimization studies performed at several North American utilities across full seasonal variability. Approaches for strategy selection and implementation, including costs, will also be presented. Ultimately, webcast participants should receive a clear and concise guidance on how to select and evaluate biofilter optimization strategies at their facilities.