Incentives for Green Infrastructure Implementation on Private Property: Lessons Learned
Associated Project
Green infrastructure (GI) is a best management practice designed to retain, reduce, infiltrate, and treat stormwater runoff prior to entry into drainage systems. The benefit to both combined and separate storm sewer systems is reduced water quantity in conveyance systems, reduced peak flow, and improved water quality. Many GI investments have focused on projects within the public right-of-way and on other publicly owned property. A recently completed project, Incentives for Green Infrastructure Implementation on Private Property: Lessons Learned (4684), evaluated adoption of GI on private lands, which typically constitute a large portion of impervious area in urban settings. The research classified incentive programs for GI on private property into six program models and developed nine strategies to enhance program success. This webcast presented a comprehensive overview of the project objectives, results, utility case studies, and recommendations for utilities.