Condition Assessment Programs – Building Trust in the Utility: A Case Study from Louisville Water Company


Louisville Water Company has been an innovative water utility since their 1860 founding. Their emphasis on innovation has persisted into the present with community engagement around the issue of non-destructive condition assessment and its value in managing buried infrastructure and providing a reliable water supply. Louisville Water has seen tangible results from their unique communications approach, including improved customer and community endorsement and satisfaction, which can be leveraged during potential crises and within school curriculums.

This webcast will dive into Louisville’s communications approach and experience in gaining customer support for their condition assessment program. Presenters will describe how Louisville pairs pipe condition assessment work with a multi-layered communications approach to not just alert customers of the work and any related outages, but also to turn the inspection into a public education event. In these communications, Louisville Water explains the interesting technology: how the tools can help identify pipes that need to be replaced, how the engineering and communications collaboration works, and how this translates to a more reliable system that better serves customers’ needs.


  • Kelley Dearing Smith, Vice President, Strategic Communications & Marketing, Louisville Water Company
  • Jeremy Raney, Director of Engineering, Louisville Water Company
  • David Mulloy, PE, Infrastructure Planning Manager
    Louisville Water Company
  • Joseph Sloan, PE, Project Manager, Louisville Water Company


  • Frank Blaha, Regional Liaison, The Water Research Foundation