Characterizing and Controlling Organics in Direct Potable Reuse Projects


Organics are added into municipal wastewater collection systems as water moves through the domestic water cycle. The removal of these organics by wastewater treatment plants and advanced water treatment at potable reuse plants is critical to protecting public health for direct potable reuse (DPR) projects. However, no universal approach has been adopted for controlling organics in potable reuse projects. 

This webcast, based on WRF research project Characterization and Treatability of TOC from DPR Processes Compared to Surface Water Supplies (Reuse-15-04/4771), will present a framework for controlling organics in DPR projects based on extensive analytical testing at six potable reuse facilities and at locations within the domestic water cycle. The proposed framework is especially relevant for potable reuse facilities that do not use reverse osmosis in the treatment process.


Larry Schimmoller, Global Practice Lead for Water Reuse
Jacobs Engineering Group

William Mitch, PhD, PE, Associate Professor
Stanford University

Kevin Daniels, PhD, Assistant Engineer
Hazen and Sawyer


Justin Mattingly, Research Manager
The Water Research Foundation