Project #4635

WaterWatts: A Modern Look at Wastewater Power-Metering Data

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Linda J Reekie
Brown and Caldwell
Energy Optimization


This research investigated the effectiveness of real-world wastewater equipment and control systems in responding to increases and decreases in influent flows, organic loads, and nutrient loads. The analysis was based on a statistical review of daily operating data and electrical data, with a focus on the correlations between blower power consumption and changes in plant influent loads. The report provides an approach to evaluating individual facility energy response to process loading relative to other U.S. treatment facilities and provides energy comparisons at the process level for varying treatment unit processes for use in benchmarking target energy performance. Research Partner: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). Published by WERF in 2017.

This study was a originally funded in cooperation with WERF as project ENER15C15 and was managed by Lauren Fillmore, MS and Linda Reekie.
