Project #4598

Using QMRA to Estimate Health Risks of Pathogens in Drinking Water

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Ms. Mary Smith
Corona Environmental Consulting, LLC
Microbes & Pathogens
Risk Assessment


This project was part of a joint effort between the University of Toronto and Corona Environmental Engineering to complete quantitative microbial risk assessments (QMRAs) of four Canadian drinking water treatment plants and reporting of related research. The project developed risk-based monitoring plans and statistical analyses of pathogen data collected for the four utilities. The team also considered valuation of qPCR as a component of source water pathogen monitoring. The final report includes a summary of engineering assessment guidance document preparation and outcomes, compilation of QMRA reports for each of the participating utilities, write-ups on research elements of the project, and general conclusions regarding the use of the Health Canada QMRA model and potential improvements in the model and data collection. Published in 2017.