Practitioner's Guide to Economic Decision Making in Asset Management: Part II Guidance
This practitioner’s guide for water service providers includes information on approaches to economic decision and promotes the use of core economic principles at each stage of asset management development. The guidelines consist of two parts. Part I includes background discussions on concepts, frameworks, and tools and Part II contains the actual guidelines. The guidelines include case studies developed with industry partners in Australia, the UK, and the U.S. and summarize a range of tools and approaches that can be used in support of economic decision making. Published by WERF. 124 pages. Online PDF and EAST and Pairwise tools. (2014)
NOTE: SAM1R06b1, Part I Background (156 pages) & SAM1R06b2, Part II Guidance (124 pages) and EAST and Pairwise tools are delivered together in a downloadable (.zip) file below.
Originally funded as WERF project SAM1R06b2.