Project #1066

Moving Towards an Innovative DNA Technology for Detection of Pharmaceuticals in Reclaimed Water

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Dr. Daniel M. Woltering, Ph.D.
Duke University
Reuse: Nonpotable
Reuse: Potable
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds and Pharmaceuticals & Personal Care Products (EDCs & PPCPs)


The goal of this research was to investigate the use of DNA microarrays as a bioanalytical tool for analysis of pharmaceuticals in treated waters that are intended for reuse. The results suggest that prototypic pharmaceuticals target molecular events associated with pharmaceutical-induced gene induction and repression in exposed organisms. Gene expression profiles can be evaluated as a means to discern pharmaceutical exposure. When fully developed, such a bioanalytical approach may provide an efficient and robust method for screening pharmaceuticals in reuse and other water matrices. Published by WERF. 100 pages. Soft cover and online and PDF. (2007)

Partnership project between WERF and the WaterReuse Foundation. Originally funded as WERF project 01-HHE-21T and WateReuse project Reuse-01-08.