Project #1107
Impacts of Membrane Process Residuals on Wastewater Treatment
Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Mr. Jeff C Moeller
EnviroTechNovations LLC
An essential guidance manual for any utility that handles membrane process residuals. The report and accompanying CD-ROM provide utilities with two types of models for predicting the impacts of membrane concentrate loadings on the collection system and the wastewater treatment plant. Interactive Microsoft® Excel models allow users to predict point source impacts of the discharge of concentrates from a variety of sources such as reverse osmosis and the mass balance model examines the impacts of system-wide concentrate discharges. Published by WERF, AwwaRF, and WateReuse Foundation (WRF-02-006c-01). CD-ROM, and online PDF. 208 pages.(2008)
Originally funded as WERF project 03-CTS-17cCO.