Impact of Advanced Oxidation Processes on the Composition and Biodegradability of Soluble Organic Nutrients in Wastewater Effluents
This research investigated the impact of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) on the composition, speciation, and biodegradability of soluble nutrients in wastewater effluents in order to provide preliminary evaluation of the feasibility of enhancing effluent dissolved organic nutrients removal via sequential AOP followed by down-stream biological treatment. The results provide insight and an initial understanding of how AOPs may potentially transform wastewater effluent-derived organic nutrients and their biodegradability. The information provides preliminary scientific basis in the feasibility of applying AOPs for developing treatment technology and strategy in order to achieve recalcitrant organic nutrients removal. Published by WERF. 70 pages. Online PDF. (2015)
Originally funded as WERF project NUTR5R14e.