Core Messages for Chromium, Medicines and Personal Care Products, NDMA, and VOCs
This project developed core messages for the water community to communicate with different audiences about the risks of key, priority CECs that, not only help explain the risks, but also account for consumer risk perceptions. It also provides guidance to water utilities regarding risk communication for different types of CECs in general. In addition to the research report, the project produced an animated film, Protecting Our Drinking Water, which provides context about the following four targeted substances in drinking water: chromium, medicines and personal care products, NDMA, and VOCs . The project also produced question-and-answer articles (referred to as core message sheets or “Thinking about” sheets) for each of the four substances. Lastly, the project developed background technical information sheets to provide succinct information related to occurrence, toxicity, and treatment efficacy for each of the substances. The animation is available to view below. The animation can also be downloaded and displayed on your Website. The Core Message Sheets and Technical Information Sheets are available under Project Resources/Project Papers. Completed in 2016.
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