Contributions of Household Chemicals to Sewage and Their Relevance to Municipal Wastewater Systems and the Environment
This study identified organic compounds from household products that may be present in municipal wastewater. Researchers selected the compounds by examining volume production, consumption pattern, and physicochemical properties. They also considered occurrence and fate of selected HPV target compounds through conventional and advanced wastewater treatment unit operations. The researchers developed quantitative structure activity and property relationships (QSPR) that can model the behavior of individual compounds through treatment processes. The report includes a database of HPV chemicals and organic compounds found in household commodities. Published by WERF. 154 pages. Soft cover report, CD ROM, and online PDF. (2009)
Partnership project between WERF and the WaterReuse Foundation. Originally funded as WERF project 03-CTS-21UR and WateReuse project Reuse-04-18.