Project #1802

Attenuation of PPCPs through Golf Courses Using Recycled Water

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Dr. Daniel M. Woltering, Ph.D.
Northern California Golf Association
Reuse: Nonpotable
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds and Pharmaceuticals & Personal Care Products (EDCs & PPCPs)
Reuse: Agricultural


This research project investigated the fate and transport of pharmaceuticals and personal care product chemicals (PPCPs) in turfgrass/soil systems irrigated with recycled water. The project involved laboratory adsorption and degradation experiments, controlled lysimeter experiments, field-scale controlled plot monitoring of drainage concentrations, and mass flux below fairways on four golf courses. Fourteen compounds were monitored in the irrigation and drainage waters in these studies.

The results support the use of recycled water for irrigation purposes, as long as science-based irrigation management practices (e.g., cycle and soak irrigation) are implemented. The use of recycled water allows communities to extend their water resources while minimizing the discharge of such waters into aquatic systems. Published by WERF. 190 pages. Soft cover and online PDF. (2012)

Partnership project between WERF and the WaterReuse Foundation. Originally funded as WERF project WERF1C08 and WateReuse project Reuse-08-02.
