BMP SELECT Model Version 2.0 and User's Guide
SELECT is a simple, planning level, spreadsheet tool that enables stormwater managers to examine the effectiveness of alternative best management practice (BMP) scenarios for controlling stormwater pollution and the whole life cost associated with each scenario. With it, managers can make more informed decisions on which practices to permit with added confidence that they will meet imposed TMDL limits and that the costs involved in implementing BMPs are known. SELECT output includes annual pollutant loads discharged to the receiving water, pollutant load frequency curves with uncertainty estimates, and applies WERF’s whole life cost model to enable estimates of system cost. Published by WERF. 66 pages. Online PDF of Users’ Guide and Excel spreadsheet tool. (2013)
As of February 2020, the web tool is no longer available.
Originally funded as WERF project SWC1R06c.