Project #1707
Development of an Operation and Maintenance Plan and Training and Certification for Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) Systems
Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Mr. Justin Mattingly
Hazen and Sawyer
In order to address the gaps in training, certification, and permitting programs and to support the California DPR initiative, the objective of this project was to develop a standard operations and maintenance plan framework for various DPR treatment processes and to develop a DPR Training and Certification Framework for DPR system operators. The report provides a comprehensive review of operational requirements in the consideration of a DPR facility and provides an operational framework that can be used as a whole, or in part to inform and support operational planning for future DPR, as well as IPR facilities. Published by WE&RF. 283 pages. Online PDF. (2016)
Originally funded as WERF project Reuse-13-13.