The FAST Water Network (Facilities Accelerating Science & Technology) assists those developing and piloting technologies for the water sector. It works to connect researchers, new technology providers, and other innovators in the water industry with test facilities appropriate for their needs. It also aims to manage risk and accelerate the adoption of innovation by engaging the broader water community.
The network was developed as a result of recommendations from stakeholder meetings and discussions organized by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Water Research Foundation (WRF), the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
It aims to amplify work being done at Test Bed Facilities, by addressing three barriers. The FAST Water Network does not manage these facilities but serves as a neutral party helping to coordinate their work and efforts to limit redundancy and wasted effort.
Instructions: Please click on a map pin to view a facility and download its information form (PDF).
Please note: Locations on map are approximate.
Level 1: A university or research lab that can assist with bench-scale work but is not dedicated to piloting new technologies
Level 2: A water resource recovery facility that is interested in innovation and willing to host a project, but does not have a dedicated test facility
Level 3: A water resource recovery facility or research lab with a dedicated physical space available for piloting innovative water technology
Level 4: A staffed facility dedicated solely to R&D/piloting of new technologies (can be housed at a functioning WRRF)