Guidance for Using Pipe Rigs to Inform Lead and Copper Corrosion Control Treatment Decisions


Harvested pipe studies have been utilized for many years to assess the impact of chemistry changes on lead release in water systems. Under some circumstances, the lead and copper rule revisions (LCRR) and proposed lead and copper rule improvements (LCRI) require a harvested pipe study. There are many types of harvested pipe studies, including sealed batch pipe, bench harvested pipe flow through, and pilot harvested pipe flow through. This webcast presents the materials compiled for WRF Project 5081, Guidance for Using Pipe Rigs to Inform Lead and Copper Corrosion Control Treatment Decisions. Information for this project was collected from available literature and industry experience for those wishing to conduct a “fit-for-purpose” pilot pipe rig study for their system. Much of the information is useful for other types of harvested pipe studies as well.

This webcast discussed the drivers and system characteristics that could influence the overall testing approach, including pipe rig design, operational procedures, data analysis methods, and financial variables. Survey results of those who conducted corrosion control treatment (CCT) studies on their system with emphasis on pipe rig studies, as well as pipe corrosion information sheets, rig schematics for design guidance, design and operations checklists of parts and procedures, instructional videos on harvesting pipes and operating a pipe rig, program guide for statistical analysis using R and Excel, and a financial tool for project cost estimation were also covered.


  • David Cornwell, PhD, PE, BCEE, Chief Executive Officer, Cornwell Engineering Group
  • Melinda Friedman, PE, President, Confluence Engineering Group, Inc.
  • Caroline Russell, PhD, PE, Principal Technologist, Carollo Engineers
  • Rebecca Slabaugh, Drinking Water Practice Lead, Arcadis North America
  • Pierre Kwan, PE, Senior Project Manager, HDR Engineering, Inc.
  • Michael Sun, Cornwell Engineering Group


  • Jian Zhang, PhD, Research Program Manager, The Water Research Foundation