Project #5238

Best Practices to Attract and Retain a Skilled & Diverse Water Workforce

In Progress
Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Alice Jariz, PE
US Water Alliance
Customer Relations & Stakeholder Engagement


The project goal is to create a guide and evaluation framework to help water and wastewater utilities establish and maintain regional water workforce collaboratives “regional collaboratives” that effectively, equitably, and sustainably increase the pipeline of diverse talent entering the water sector, and advance employer and community needs. The objectives include:

1. Assess how regional collaboratives identify water utility workforce needs and opportunities and develop talent pipelines aligned with employer and community objectives.

2. Develop guidance for recruiting and retaining diverse skilled talent through regional collaboratives.

3. Propose practical methods and criteria for evaluating the efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, and sustainability of regional collaboratives to track progress towards meeting both community and employer objectives over time.
