Inactivation of Amoeba-Internalized Legionella pneumophila by UV-LED and Multi-Barrier Approaches
Legionnaire’s disease represents the majority of water-related deaths in the U.S. and continues to climb, with current estimates at 52,000 to 70,000 L. pneumophila (Lp) caused illnesses each year. This incidence rate exceeds the 1 in 10,000 risk benchmark commonly used for determining pathogen targets in quantitative microbial risk assessments.
Understanding the implications of amoeba-internalized Legionella remains an overlooked area of research to provide more accurate and meaningful monitoring by utilities and public health agencies. The proposed project will also add crucial information on the efficacy of conventional treatment strategies for Legionella, as well as demonstrate the benefits of emerging technology (UV-LED) and multi-barrier strategies. The results of this project will provide critical information and guidance that is necessary for better Legionella management by utilities, building water system operators, public health agencies, and the water industry as a whole.
Project Updates
Reporting Period: June 1 – September 1, 2024
Reporting Period: December 1, 2023 – March 1, 2024
Reporting Period: June 1, 2023 – September 1, 2023