WRF Technology Scan Update: Infrastructure Planning
The Water Research Foundation's Technology Scan webcasts are designed to help you become a Utility of the Future! This webcast focused on infrastructure planning technology.
Technology: Optimizer™ - Optimatics
Through their Optimizer™ software, Optimatics is changing the trajectory of public utility economics, powering outcome-driven analytics strategies that achieve new levels of operational and community impact. With Optimatics, infrastructure leaders leverage an intelligent platform combined with their engineering judgment to explore the full range of options and tackle complex decision-making with confidence.
Josh Cantone, Chief Executive Officer, Optimatics
Technology: 2Nform - 2NDNATURE
Cities and counties spend billions annually trying to comply with Clean Water Act, while the quality of urban waterways continue to decline. 2NDNATURE has developed the first enterprise cloud stormwater management and compliance platform, 2Nform. This tool enables the digital transformation of stormwater programs that provide a clean water accounting system to build local capacity.
Nicole Beck, Chief Executive Officer, 2NDNATURE
Sydney Samples, Innovation Program Manager
David Morroni, Innovation Program Coordinator
The Water Research Foundation