The Water Research Foundation Funds Three New Projects

Jul 16, 2021
Press Release

The Water Research Foundation (WRF) is seeking volunteers for three additional funded projects and will soon post Requests for Proposals (RFPs) under our Research Priority Program. This strategic research program enables us to address priority subscriber issues, challenges, and opportunities with targeted research. The project concepts are developed by expert advisory committees and are then prioritized, approved, and funded by our Board-appointed Research Advisory Council. Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for these projects will be posted in mid-September.

Research Area

Project Title

Research Program Manager

Funding Amount

Advanced Treatment for Potable Reuse

Demonstration of Innovation to Improve Pathogen Removal, Validation, and/or Monitoring in Carbon-Based Advanced Treatment (CBAT) for Potable Reuse (5129)

Katie Spahr



Nutrients Treatment

Advancement of Densification to Implement and Achieve More Efficient BNR Processes: Granule Generation, Retention, and Management (5130)

Stephanie Fevig


Stormwater & Flood Management

Holistic Wet Weather Management through Adaptive Volume and Pollutant Source Control at a Community Scale: Finding the Sweet Spot (5131)

Harry Zhang


We encourage utilities to participate in these research projects through the Utility Participation in Research (UPIR) Process. Utilities can serve as a test facility, provide samples, respond to surveys, loan equipment, or share staff expertise on research projects of interest.

About WRF

The Water Research Foundation (WRF) is the world’s leading research organization advancing the science of all water to meet the evolving needs of its subscribers and the water sector. WRF is a nonprofit, educational organization that funds, manages, and publishes research on the technology, operation, and management of drinking water, wastewater, reuse, and stormwater systems—all in pursuit of ensuring water quality and improving water services to the public.