Project #1081
Membrane Bioreactors for Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewaters
Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Dr. Daniel M. Woltering, Ph.D.
University of British Columbia
This first phase of the project is a literature review documenting the application of membrane bioreactors (MBRs) to anaerobic treatment of wastewater. The report includes general system design, performance, and efficiency information from the operation of laboratory, pilot, and full-scale anaerobic MBR systems, as well as specific information regarding membrane efficiency and performance based on operation of MBRs under anaerobic conditions. The project also addresses system performance and efficiency during operation of anaerobic MBRs in the treatment of municipal and low- to medium-strength wastewaters under low temperature conditions. Published by WERF. 64 pages. Online PDF only.
Originally funded as WERF project 02-CTS-4.