Challenge Projects on Low Energy Treatment Schemes for Water Reuse - Phase I - University of Nevada, Reno
Investigates the use of a multi-barrier system to produce a potable effluent from a common wastewater influent, while remaining cost competitive with current wastewater treatment. The proposed design combines new and emerging membrane technologies with innovative methods of solids management to create a comprehensive treatment system. In order to maintain a low-energy profile, the design includes sustainability measures, such as methane harvesting and struvite capture. The project included a comprehensive literature review of the selected unit processes, the development of a computer model of the system, and an energy balance using model data. Research partner: Bureau of Reclamation. Published by the WateReuse Research Foundation in 2013.
This study was a originally funded in cooperation between WateReuse Foundation as Reuse-10-06b and WERF as ENER2C12b.