Your Water System is Not Isolated - Interdependencies are Important


Water systems may be considered stand-alone entities, but they are invariably connected to other utilities and activities. These interdependencies must be understood, and practices to ensure good partnerships between these entities should be implemented. The Southwest Environmental Finance Center at the University of New Mexico completed WRF project Water Sector Interdependencies (5086) in 2023. This project had two main components: 1) case studies of 16 water utilities discussing several aspects of interdependencies, including energy/power, fuel, chemicals, transportation,  communication, enterprise and workforce resilience, and water resources/supply/availability; and 2) a guidebook for small- to medium-sized utilities. 

This webcast explored both components, sharing key findings from the case studies and guidance materials.

Heather Himmelberger
Director, Southwest Environmental Finance Center
University of New Mexico

Jian Zhang, PhD
Research Program Manager
The Water Research Foundation