Guidelines for Optimizing Nutrient Removal Plant Performance


Water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) across the United States are facing demands to remove nutrients. Existing nutrient removal and secondary WRRFs alike are challenged to optimize their WRRFs to reduce nutrients discharged into receiving water bodies. Project 4973, Guidelines for Optimizing Nutrient Removal Plant Performance, developed a comprehensive guidance tool that WRRF staff and others can use for optimizing WRRFs to meet one or more fundamental objectives: (1) reduce nutrient discharge levels, (2) increase reliability, and (3) reduce costs.

The webcast presentations included an introduction of the project objectives and final products, highlights of optimization opportunities inside and outside the WRRF fence, and a tour of the user-friendly nutrient optimization web tool.


  • JB Neethling, PhD, PE, Senior Vice President, HDR Engineering
  • Mike Falk, PhD, PE, Senior Engineer, Water and Wastewater Engineering, HDR Engineering
  • Eric Evans, Senior Process Engineer, HDR Engineering


  • Stephanie Fevig, PE, Research Program Manager, The Water Research Foundation