Annual Update of International Stormwater BMP Database and Expanding Communication on the Database
The International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database is a publicly accessible repository for BMP performance monitoring study, design, and cost information that provides scientifically sound information to improve the design, selection and performance of BMPs. This 2020 analysis not only includes new performance studies, but also new analysis categories for manufactured treatment devices used in stormwater management. Data summaries include basic summary statistics for BMP influent and effluent concentrations, graphical summaries of statistics and hypothesis test results for assessing whether the BMP had an effect on influent concentrations for various pollutant-BMP combinations. Information about typical pollutant sources, dominant pollutant removal mechanisms in BMPs, and design considerations are provided. Stormwater BMPs included in the analysis include grass strips, bioretention, bioswales, extended detention basins, media filters (mostly sand filters), porous pavement, permeable friction course, retention ponds (wet ponds), wetland basins, wetland channels and several manufactured treatment device categories, which will continue to support the decision making for integrated stormwater management. Published in 2020.
This webpage also includes deliverables from 1133/03-SW-1CO and 1136/03-SW-1COh.
Other related projects include 1132, 4847/SIWM18R16, 4851, 5012, and 5075.