Links and Benefits of Water and Energy Efficiency Joint Working
This research, sponsored by United Kingdom Water Industry Research (UKWIR), provides supportive evidence of the correlation between water use and energy use in the United Kingdom. Specifically, the project addresses a better understanding of the claims of energy savings, both directly within the home for heating of water, and indirectly through the reduced need of water treatment, pumping, and reduced treatment of wastewater, together with the longer term offsetting of increasing water demand. The research provides firm estimates of the energy efficiency and carbon emission reductions associated with hot and cold water efficiency measures in households. The project also engaged the U.K. water industry with the developing Green Deal agenda, and identified opportunities to generate leverage from the energy sector on future water efficiency schemes. The Green Deal is sponsored by the U.K. government to enable private and local authority financing and loans to be made available to householders to fund energy efficiency improvements to their house. Published in 2013.